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With 52 brilliant colors simultaneously displayed on Game Boy Color's small portable screen, your games look better than ever! Full color portable gaming is an awesome advantage, but Game Boy Color does more than improve the appearance of your games. Game Boy Color is twice as fast as the regular Game Boy which allows programmers to crunch more data and produce more sophisticated games. For you, this means faster action, more advanced AI, and increased realism. But you don't have to go out and buy all new games to enjoy playing in color! You can play any of the 450 original Game Boy titles, and Game Boy Color will transform them to color from black and white! When you put a pre-existing Game Boy game into Game Boy Color, you will be able to choose from one of twelve default color palettes on the Game Boy Color start-up screen. New games designed specifically for Game Boy Color are sharper and even more vivid than colorized black and white games, with a full spectrum palette of more than 32 000 colors. Game Boy Color is compatible with both the Game Boy Camera and the Game Boy Printer.
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